¡Es maravilloso celebrar nuestro 30° Festival Anual de Danza Circular de México!

It is so wonderful to be celebrating our 30th annual Mexico Circle Dance Festival!

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¡Bienvenidos al 30º Festival Anual de Danzas Circulares México!

Hermoso lugar, maravillosa familia internacional, excelente programa, maestros extraordinarios, excursiones bellisimos, Paneuritmia y Danza hacen de este uno de los festivales favoritos del mundo.

Welcome to the 30th annual Mexico Circle Dance Festival! 

Beautiful venue, wonderful international family, excellent program, extraordinary teachers, beautiful excursions, Paneurhythmy and Dance make this one of the favorite festivals of the world! 


Elevamos nuestro ser con movimiento y meditación

We elevate our being with movement and meditation

Danzas Circulares

Somos un Circulo de Paz conectando con todos 

We are a Circle of Peace
connecting with everyone


Venimos de muchos paises- celebrando con un idioma universal: AMOR

We come from many countries-
celebrating with a universal language: LOVE


Tenemos la oportunidad de conocer un poco de este asombroso país 

We have the opportunity to get to know a little of this amazing country
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